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Sunday 21 March 2010

Assignment For Today - March 22

WORK FOR POSITIVE CHANGE -- TRANSFORM A PROBLEM INTO A SOLUTIONThe problem of our map was something that really brought a lot to my attention. As students, you need to find your own solutions for this issue:
1. Research the problem
  • a paragraphy about the problem at school from your prespective
  • a paragraph about the history of the problem - in point form since WWII (FACTS and NOT OPINION) - Add your sources at the bottom.
  • a paragraph about the Current situation. What's on the news? What's disturbing?

2. Come up with three goals that you want to achieve as students.

3. Brainstorm solutions to this problem. Can create a mind map using

4. Email me the things that you've finished during class.

5. No HW

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